Rugby Magic After Sports Balm
Playing sports like rugby for many years. After match recovery was often
painful, marked by bumps, bruises, broken bones, and tears. Back then,
the remedy for my injuries was simple: a hot bath, Vicks VapoRub, and a
dose of Aspro (aspirin powder).The goal was to create a product that
could effectively alleviate the aches and pains experienced by
athletes—particularly those involved in contact sports like rugby. Rugby
Magic will help alleviate your after sports problems.
Rugby Magic for Peripheral Neuropathy
Rugby Magic is not just a solution for athletes; it could help anyone who
suffered from the muscular strain and damage caused by intense
physical activity. Whether from tendon damage, muscle stretching, or
the wear and tear of the body’s exoskeletal diabetes and peripheral
neuropathy. Often people find the pain in their feet was
excruciating—an icy, burning sensation that felt as though gasoline had
been poured on their feet and lit. The pain was relentless, preventing
sleep and causing significant distress. Rugby Magic PN will help manage
these symptoms
“Developed by athletes for
athletes—whether you are
male or female, a former
professional or an
amateur—Rugby Magic
provides the perfect analgesic
for those still active in their
sports and those managing
chronic conditions like
neuropathy. It is a treatment
that works, offering relief and
helping you function better in
your daily life.”
K.G. Davidon
The after sports
analgesic balm that
helps with those aches
and pains and provides
immediate relief